20 May, 2024

Spiritual Calling

Sangoma spiritual calling signs, calling to be a sangoma, sangoma, sangoma water spirits, sangoma clothes. I will help you when you are confused about your calling as far as your calling is concerned. When a person has a calling, he or she will experience a wide variety of signs and symptoms, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. As human beings, we are all different, and our ancestors are also different that is why each person with a sangoma calling will experience the calling in different ways. Most people with calling usually get confusion and doubts when it comes to answering their higher calling because they are never sure whether they have a calling or not. Today I would like us to look at the most common signs and symptoms of Sangoma calling.

Spiritual Calling,sangoma

  • Constantly dreaming of water bodies and Snakes
  • Body aches associated with tension in your back and neck
  • Dreaming of traditional rituals and Sangoma attire
  • Mood swings and Stubbornness
  • Blocked sexual energies
  • Need to be alone
  • Depression associated with suicidal thoughts
  • Hearing voices, high-pitched sounds
  • Feeling very emotional and very sensitive
  • Feeling like someone is with you like someone is following you
  • Hallucinations and forgetfulness
  • Loss of appetite or overeating
  • Insomnia /lack of sleep
  • Being disliked or not being understood
  • Body rashes or skin irritation

Prof. Patu Sangoma is here to help you solve your life problems and for your spiritual calling. Using my sangoma healing abilities to read your past and present and at the same time, for tell you about your future am here to find a solution to your problem through sangoma ancestral healing. There will be a sudden change in your life, you will feel like you are no longer living your own life, and you will start to question yourself and possibly think that you have been bewitched. The signs and symptoms mentioned above may be associated or confused with other early symptoms of witches’ hexes or other ancestral complications, it is important for a person to always consult more than two experienced traditional healers. Most medical experts lack knowledge in this field, therefore would treat or diagnose these conditions as psychosis(ukuhlanya).

Ndau Sangoma Beads/Clothes Ndau Sangoma/Sangoma Attire and Meaning/Sangoma Clothes/Sangoma Beads

Whether it is about love relationship issues, financial problems, unsafe or bad luck following you, I’m here to provide you with an ultimate answer to that problem you need to get away from your life.

Celebrity Sangoma/Sangoma Muti/Sangoma Celebrities/Njeti Sangoma Cloth

Sangoma muti for solving love/relationship problems and other issues. I’m Prof. Patu an experienced and devoted sangoma muti and I’m working to help find the root cause of love relationship problems and issues using traditional healer readings natural gifts and talent.

Sangoma Water Spirits/Sangoma South Africa

Spiritual Healer using Spiritual Powers, Bones, Mirror, Spiritual Prayers, Mphepho, Candles, Water, and Phahla as divination between Ancestors and Spiritual Powers with more than 20 years of mentorship from my Late Father (RIP) in African Traditional Medicine, Herbs, and Spiritual Healing your spirit from its stresses and ailments. Sometimes our spirit gets exhausted by all the toxicity that it encounters daily. It needs rejuvenation.